All the books we recommended in 2022 Some of them were new this year, some of them are oldies-but-goodies. All 16 are worthy additions to your rewilding-adjacent bookshelf or your gift-giving list.
Ecological restoration’s surprising history: A Q&A with Laura J. Martin A new book uncovers the development of the world’s most widespread environmental management practice.
5 new(ish) books about forests and trees Trees and forests are important to humanity in basically every way you can think of. These books explore that relationship and give us goals – both personal and global – to strive for.
All the books we recommended in 2021 Some of them were new this year, some of them are oldies-but-goodies. All 15 are worthy additions to your rewilding-adjacent bookshelf or your gift-giving list.
Q&A with Emma Marris: "I’m really ready to leave this wilderness worshipping behind" The author of new book Wild Souls shares her thoughts on what we owe our non-human neighbours on this planet, what rewilding really means and why everyone needs to become a bit of an activist.