How fixing roadside curbs can help reptiles and amphibians survive To lessen the impact of human-built structures on the movement of wildlife, we need to start with smart design.
When golf courses go wild How non-profits, trusts and cities are converting manicured greens into places where wildlife, plants and people can flourish.
Our most popular stories of 2024 An urban pollinator corridor, replacing lawn with habitat and why landscape design matters when it comes to rewilding.
All the books we recommended in 2024 All the books we recommended in 2024, plus one extra for your year-end reading list.
The solar tech reducing human-wildlife conflict in India An innovative approach to deterring wildlife from villages is helping save money and lives – both human and animal.
“I started to wonder, what if?” Q&A with author Conor Kerr The Métis writer’s new novel imagines setting a herd of bison free in downtown Edmonton – and the fallout that comes from it.
At the Canadian Museum of Nature, rewilding is art A new exhibit in partnership with the David Suzuki Foundation and Rewilding Magazine showcases artistic expressions of rewilding.