Our most popular stories of 2022 Urban rewilding, replacing lawns, the importance of art and the trouble with monocultures: our top stories of the year cover the gamut.
All the books we recommended in 2022 Some of them were new this year, some of them are oldies-but-goodies. All 16 are worthy additions to your rewilding-adjacent bookshelf or your gift-giving list.
How to protect biodiversity To convince more people that biodiversity is important, we need to tap into all the reasons they might care. Here are some places to start.
The butterfly that saved an ecosystem The revival of Fender’s blue illustrates the collaborative nature of survival.
Two Canadian scientists on why rewilding matters In a conversation hosted by the Royal Botanical Gardens, a pair of connectivity experts share their thoughts on what rewilding means, the tricks to finding common ground with partners and how taking action can help mitigate climate grief.
How to design a forest fit to heal the planet Reforestation and planting trees are crucial steps in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss. But how do we do it the right way?
What beavers can teach us about managing water Beaver dams and ponds help maintain water when there's too little and slow it when there's too much. Here's why these industrious rodents are the climate resilience heroes we need.