Ecological restoration’s surprising history: A Q&A with Laura J. Martin A new book uncovers the development of the world’s most widespread environmental management practice.
The reality TV show making Florida yards friendlier to nature One way to encourage people to grow wildlife-safe, low-water gardens that feature native plants? Give them the HGTV treatment.
Green spaces really do make cities cooler. Here's how Heat waves hit cities hard – and with climate change, they're only getting worse. Here's how even small gardens, parks and treed areas can make a difference.
Let's hear it for the bogs The UK's peatlands hold billions of tonnes of carbon – far more than its woodlands. Which is why the 12,000-year-old Border Mires of northern England are finally getting the restoration attention they're due.
Indigenous knowledge and science team up to triple a caribou herd In one project in British Columbia's Rocky Mountains, expanding caribou populations and habitats starts with protecting mothers and their calves.
Is passive rewilding the best way to plant forests? Forests will grow back by themselves if we let them. Here's how a passive rewilding strategy could be the most cost-effective – and also effective – reforestation tool we have.
Invasive species as a metaphor for colonization In this excerpt from her book Fresh Banana Leaves, Indigenous scientist and author Jessica Hernandez explores how restoration work in the Americas must include building relationships with the lands' original inhabitants.