5 easy ways to boost biodiversity in your yard Make your property a better wildlife habitat with these simple tips.
Restoring lost grasslands is as important as planting trees Most of the grasslands that once dotted Ontario have been lost to development and agriculture. Bringing back these carbon-rich landscapes would be good for birds, bees, butterflies and people.
Returning the endangered slow loris to its wild Javan home How a team of Indonesian conservationists is rehabilitating illegally traded Javan slow lorises so they can reclaim their lives in the wild.
Billions have been raised to restore forests, with little success. Here’s the missing ingredient Forget the tragedy of the commons. To build healthier forests, we need to harness the power of community.
Why wildlife gardeners need to become garden designers ASAP How do we garden for wildlife while getting our neighbours and communities onboard, too? It starts with a focus on design.
Fighting for wildlife in a time of war As conflict rages around them, Ukrainian conservationists persevere in restoring the Danube Delta, one of Europe’s most prized ecosystems.
Our most popular stories of 2023 Rewilding and the law, the world's first rewilding centre, feeding wild birds, tree-based farming and an artist who works with wild plants: our top stories of the year cover the gamut.