Our most popular stories of 2023 Rewilding and the law, the world's first rewilding centre, feeding wild birds, tree-based farming and an artist who works with wild plants: our top stories of the year cover the gamut.
All the books we recommended in 2023 Some of them were new this year, some of them are oldies-but-goodies. All 23 are worthy additions to your rewilding-adjacent bookshelf or your gift-giving list.
How France brought brown bears back to the Pyrenees Thanks to biological monitoring and community outreach, the once-nearly-extinct bruins are again ambling through the mountains.
This tidal marsh was dying. A new restoration project is reversing the trend In Boundary Bay, British Columbia, removal of logs and debris is giving native flora and fauna a helping hand.
5 wildlife crossings helping species survive Rewilding needs connectivity. These examples show how smart design can prevent road deaths and help animals migrate from place to place.
Why botanizing can make our lives better Plants are essential to life on this planet, yet they often recede into the background. Here's how – and why – to get to know them better.
Indigenous forest management: a culture of burning European settlers to North America marvelled at its landscapes – then banned the traditional practices that created them. Now, it's time to bring them back.