3 things to avoid when rewilding your garden These products and ideas might sound good, but there are cheaper and more wildlife-friendly alternatives.
Can a community nursery save this South African cedar? The Clanwilliam cedar is critically endangered. But a new partnership is trying to turn things around – and build a stronger community in the process.
How (and why) to photograph butterflies This new book gets you closer to butterflies than you've ever been before.
Want to help save monarchs? Here are 5 things you can do The iconic North American butterfly is under threat – but it doesn’t have to be that way. Here’s how you can take action to help save it and its other insect cousins.
The right stuff: How resistance breeding aims to save endangered trees The American beech, American elm and many other tree species have been disappearing due to invasive pests and disease. Could these breeding programs save them?
Why rewilders need to think about invertebrates, too Invertebrates are the bulk of terrestrial diversity and the backbone for proper ecosystem functioning. We need to start putting them at the centre of rewilding projects.
6 tips to turn your yard into a meadow In this excerpt from his book Lawns into Meadows, landscape designer Owen Wormser shares some secrets to creating a meadow you'll love.