Why rewilders need to think about invertebrates, too Invertebrates are the bulk of terrestrial diversity and the backbone for proper ecosystem functioning. We need to start putting them at the centre of rewilding projects.
6 tips to turn your yard into a meadow In this excerpt from his book Lawns into Meadows, landscape designer Owen Wormser shares some secrets to creating a meadow you'll love.
Can farmers and rewilders get along? This Welsh group thinks they must Tir Natur wants to help combat the biodiversity crisis by creating spaces where nature, farmers’ livelihoods and Welsh culture can thrive – together.
The theatre group turning environmental grief into hope – and change For B.C.'s The Only Animal, all the world's a stage – and we need to act together to create the future we want.
How (and why) to welcome insects to your garden Amidst a global biodiversity crisis, insects need all the help they can get. Here's how to make your yard part of a more resilient ecosystem.
Don't hate on rodents. Our ecosystems need them These diverse animals make up a surprising percentage of all mammal species, and play important roles in Earth's ecosystems. Here's why that matters.
Are non-native species always bad? Many conservation and rewilding efforts aim to eradicate so-called invasive species and replace them with natives. But is this the right approach in every case?