Why I'm killing my lawn to plant a forest How one New Zealand woman is reforesting her yard as a personal act against climate change that will support native biodiversity, too.
How one Vancouver resident replaced his lawn and built an ecosystem Stephane Laroye built a meadow for the bees. Turns out, he and his neighbours might be enjoying it even more.
How this Kenyan student stays motivated to fight for a better future Lamech Opiyo believes co-operation is what will save us from the worst of climate change. Good thing he has the power to move people to action with his words.
For 30 years, this creek was dead. Now, it supports three kinds of trout – and a web of aquatic life. For decades, toxic runoff from abandoned coal mines has left streams and rivers lifeless in West Virginia. Here's how two men decided to reverse the damage taking place in their own backyards.
Our most popular stories of 2021 Urban beavers, nature books, rewilding heroes and redefining wilderness: our top stories of the year cover the gamut.
How we’re rewilding: Peter Ewins, Project Swallowtail How do you get city dwellers to care about biodiverse, nature-led ecosystems? According to this former WWF staffer, urban naturalization projects can be an important first step.
How we're rewilding: Paul Lister, Alladale Wilderness Reserve This massive reserve in the Scottish Highlands has numerous rewilding projects on the go. But the cutest and most ferocious residents have to be the Scottish wildcats.