Our most popular stories of 2024 An urban pollinator corridor, replacing lawn with habitat and why landscape design matters when it comes to rewilding.
Rewilding your lawn or garden? First, get to know it Once upon a time, the land you tend was stewarded by others – or by nature itself. Learn how to assess your site and the plants that will grow best there.
How to shop for native plants So you want to put native plants in your yard – great! But where do you find them, and how do you know they're the right ones?
The pros and cons of 5 lawn removal methods Ready to rewild your yard? Review these strategies for some ways to turn your lawn into a biodiverse garden.
4 ways to turn your lawn into an edible garden Why devote your yard to turfgrass when you can use that space to feed yourself *and* the other creatures who call your neighbourhood home?
6 reasons to downsize your lawn It’s time to imagine a future where lawns aren’t the norm – and homegrown habitats are.
5 easy ways to boost biodiversity in your yard Make your property a better wildlife habitat with these simple tips.